Filtering by Tag: real health

Raising Healthy Families: Habits That Create Health [Episode: 86]

Raising Healthy Families: Habits That Create Familial Health [Episode: 86]

Everyone wants their kids to be healthy.

How do you create Healthy families in a society that breeds sickness and bad health habits. Fast food, medication, and stress are commonplace. How do we set up generational health for our families. We give you 5 steps to creating healthy habits.

Ear Infections: Healing From Them Naturally [Episode: 84]

Ear Infections: Healing from them naturally [Episode: 84]

How Chiropractic Can Help Ear Infections

Nothing’s worse than seeing your child in pain from an ear infection and not knowing how to help them. In today’s episode, Dr. Ryan and Ashley Berlin discuss how chiropractic care can help ear infections, as well as natural remedies to heal otitis media (ear infections).

According to the Boston Children’s Hospital, 80% of children have been diagnosed with at least 1 ear infection by the time they are 3 years of age. The traditional route people take when their child has an ear infection is to take them to a doctor, leaving only 2 treatment options available: antibiotics or tubes put in the ears. Although these may seem reasonable, what you don’t realize is that they aren’t fixing the root cause of the ear infection.

Spinal misalignment (otherwise known as subluxation), creates interference such as ear infections in the body. This puts pressure on the nerves causing the ear to not function properly. Dr. Ryan mentions a study published in the Journal of Clinical Chiropractic Pediatrics where researchers found there was a strong correlation between chiropractic adjustments and healing of otitis media. 

If you know someone who struggles with ear infections, share this episode with them – it could change their quality of life for the better! more!

*Disclaimer: chiropractors don’t treat ear infections or any disease process. We look for root cause(s) of dysfunction and empower the patient with resources and action steps to help restore optimal function to the body. We do this through our 5 Essentials approach including chiropractic, functional nutrition, detoxification, movement, and mindset.

Chiropractic: Myths vs. Facts [Episode: 82]

Chiropractic: Myths vs. Facts [Episode: 82]

Myths vs. Facts when it comes to chiropractic.

Chiropractors don’t believe in medicine? You have to be crunchy or a hippie to go to the chiropractor!?! Are chiropractors doctors? Once you go to the chiropractor you have to go for the rest of your life? Is there any accuracy to any of this. Chiropractors seem to feel like they can cure everything, what do they really do? We don't cure anything….but what we do is har better and far more important than any diagnosis or treatment.

Sleep: Best Practices for 1/3 of Your Life! [Episode: 81]

Sleep: Best Practices for 1/3 of Your Life! [Episode: 81]

Sleep is something you do 1/3 of your life. It’s when you do most of your repair and healing. How many hours? Which hours are most important? What is a circadian rhythm? Which bed? Which pillow? Dr. Ryan and Ashley discuss how to get the most out of your sleep?

Are You Sick? Or Just Uncomfortably Healthy? [Episode: 80]

Are You Sick? Or Just Uncomfortably Healthy? [Episode: 80]

Symptoms are usually your body trying to do the right thing at the right time. How do we pay attention to and honor our symptoms. We don’t want to treat symptoms because they aren’t usually the problem, but the evidence of healing. Cough, fever, throwing up, runny nose, tummy ache, diarrhea….your body may just be healing or …HAVING A GREAT IMMUNE RESPONSE. How is the immune system developed, sit tight, we will explain. 

Thinking Differently: It May Save Your Life [Episode: 79]

Thinking Differently: It May Save Your Life [Episode: 79]

Different thinking saved fighter pilots in world war 2. Conventional thought would have lost more lives and maybe changed the outcome of the war.  Mark Twain said, “Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect.” Aaron Levenstein once said, “Statistics are like bikinis. What they reveal is suggestive, but what they conceal is vital.” What may the statistics be telling us by looking at what they aren’t telling us? Trust the science? No thanks….that is actually the opposite of science.

Metabolism: Let’s Rev It Up [Episode: 78]

Metabolism: Let’s Rev It Up [Episode: 78]

Weight loss and an efficient metabolism are a byproduct of a healthy lifestyle. The word metabolism is an all-encompassing term for the energy systems of your body. Immune, Muscular, Detoxification, Digestion, Hormonal, Aging….all of these fall under the umbrella of your metabolism. How can you get your body’s energy systems working with you in the direction you desire?

Who Is Your Health Doctor? Who Is Your Chiropractor? [Episode: 77]

Who Is Your Health Doctor? Who Is Your Chiropractor? [Episode: 77]

The research we go over shows that if you don’t have a chiropractor, your health suffers.

A study published in 2007 evaluated 70,274 member months over a 7 year period. The groups were divided into two: Those who used a chiropractor as their primary, and those who used a medical doctor as their primary.

Chiropractic won out with 60.2% less in-hospital admissions, 59% less hospital days, 62% less outpatient surgeries and procedures, and 85% less pharmaceutical costs!!!!!

We Told You So: Viruses Don't Kill People, Weak Immune Systems Do! [Episode: 76]

We Told You So: Viruses Don't Kill People, Weak Immune Systems Do! [Episode: 76]

We return back to the studio. Guess what? We told you so!!!

Not us telling you…but Us collectively, we were right….it was the experts who got it wrong.

Virtually everything they said about this virus, masks, vitamin D, asymptomatic exposure…..The experts were wrong and we were right to believe what the evidence of every virus in the past was true for this one too! Trust experience and intuition, not propaganda and direct sales via Big Pharma and the Medical Machine.

Sugar: It’s Worse Than You Thought! [Episode: 75]

Sugar: It’s Worse Than You Thought! [Episode: 75]

Did you know that “Eating or drinking 100 grams (8 tbsp.) of sugar, the equivalent of about two cans of soda, can reduce the ability of white blood cells to kill germs by forty percent,” explains Dr. Sears of “The Doctors” TV show??? But I don’t eat sugar! I bet you do….we all do in some shape or form….So it then becomes what type and how much, because chances are you may not know the source. Dr. Ryan and Ashley address the reason this addictive white powder in all of its many concocted forms is the food of the devil ;)

Value: What you do matters and is empowering! [Episode: 74]

Value: What you do matters and is empowering! [Episode: 74]

Value is about what you do. People say what they believe, but they do what they value. Your choices, your spending, your trust shows where your values lie.

“A wise man ought to realize that his health is his most valuable possession”. Hippocrates

Being sick is expensive. Getting healthy is invaluable.

Proactive = you have some control = value added later when you live out health

Reactive = no control = expensive end of life care

Real Talk Immunes Systems (Part 2): Trust Us, Trust it! [Episode: 73]

Real Talk Immunes Systems (Part 2): Trust Us, Trust it! [Episode: 73]

Trust your immune system, but also take care of it properly. We all have one. We all want one. We used to trust it without knowing. Now we know we have one but don't trust it. The people telling you not to trust it are selling you a different and dangerous answer. Trust your creator and how he designed you....or Big Pharma and their history of death and disease encouraging drugs.

Real Talk Immunes Systems: Trust Us, Trust it! [Episode: 72]

Real Talk Immunes Systems: Trust Us, Trust it! [Episode: 72]

Trust your immune system, but also take care of it properly. We all have one. We all want one. We used to trust it without knowing. Now we know we have one but don't trust it. The people telling you not to trust it are selling you a different and dangerous answer. Trust your creator and how he designed you....or Big Pharma and their history of death and disease encouraging drugs.

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Health Freedom: What Matters Most Period. [Episode: 71]

Health Freedom: What Matters Most Period. [Episode: 71]

Bodily autonomy. Your ability to choose. Your right to pay the price of your own good or bad decisions. Your religious, philosophical, and medical rights. These are being challenged. No one has the right to tell you how to care for your health but you because you are the only one who has to live in your body. If we give up this freedom out of fear for our safety, we will regret it forever.

COVID-19: Stats and How Not to Become One. [Episode: 70]

COVID-19: Stats and How Not to Become One. [Episode: 70]

There is so much uncertainty around COVID-19. What matters most is what you are currently doing to support health. Lets sort through some numbers. Let’s get some perspective. Cooler heads prevail. Truth will set us free. Fear is the enemy.

Heart Disease/Health: What Actually Causes a Broken Heart [Episode: 69]

Heart Disease/Health: What Actually Causes a Broken Heart [Episode: 69]

We discuss Heart Health. How does it heal. When not in a state of healing, disease is inevitable. What actually causes a heart to get weak? Statins, Meds, Blood pressure, Subluxation. We cover it all and give the evidence to support it.

Pain: Hey Doc, It Hurts Right Here! [Episode: 68]

Pain: Hey Doc, It Hurts Right Here! [Episode: 68]

We discuss pain and why you don’t want to treat pain. You want to correct the CAUSE of your pain. The pain is protecting you. You need to HEAL from what is causing the pain. How do you find the cause? what do you do once you find it? We discus correcting causes and why medical care is missing the boat.

Health Isn't Complicated: Sickness is complicated [Episode: 67]

Health Isn't Complicated: Sickness is complicated [Episode: 67]

Dr. Ryan & Ashley discuss why health is simple, less expensive and requires a smaller time commitment than being sick. Disease is expensive, time consuming and complicated….health isn’t. Dont over complicate it. Follow the five essentials and keep you health simple!

Vitalism: The only lens worth looking through for health [Episode: 66]

Vitalism: The only lens worth looking through for health [Episode: 66]

Vitalism believes you are an intelligent creation with a POWER to HEAL. Mechanism says you are a machine, with parts that wear out. You are an intelligently designed creation, however the intelligence never left, its still on the scene, healing you daily.

Survival: Who Lives, Who Dies & Why? [Episode: 65]

Survival: Who Lives, Who Dies & Why? [Episode: 65]

The steps to surviving anything from high blood pressure and heart disease all the way to a terminal diagnosis...what do survivors do well? How do we learn from those less timid souls who know how to keep moving on and surviving even though eminent doom is ahead!! What the heck does this have to do with you? You need to survive the worst health statistics, in the worst performing health care model, in the worst country evaluated by health standards to ever exist.